Announcing the candidates for the National Executive Committee 2024-2026

CAPE is pleased to share the list of nominees for all the positions to be filled on the National Executive Committee for the upcoming 2024-2026 mandate.

New (11/06/23): The AGM and election period have been postponed to November 29 and November 30 to December 13 respectively.

New (10/27/23): Videos are now available below!

The President and Vice-President EC/LOP/OPBO debates have been recorded and are available to view.

Due to the high number of EC Directors, the Elections and Resolutions Committee, in consultation with all the EC Director candidates, decided to proceed with videos rather than a debate. The VP TR candidates also agreed to do videos instead of a traditional debate.

With the volume of videos and the short timeline, there might have been some typos in the captions that were missed, and we apologize in advance.

Summary of nominations:

  1. 5* candidates running for President: 1 position to fill
  2. 2 candidates running for Vice-President TR: 1 position to fill
  3. 3 candidates running for Vice-President EC/LoP/OPBO: 1 position to fill
  4. 35** candidates running for EC Director: 23 positions to fill
  5. 1 candidate submitted a nomination package for TR Director: 2 positions to fill
  6. 0 candidates running for LoP Director: 1 position to fill
  7. 0 candidates running for OPBO Director: 1 position to fill

* Three candidates withdrew
** Five candidates withdrew

List of candidates

Please see below for the list of all candidates confirmed eligible by the Elections and Resolutions Committee.

Note that the order in which names appear on the lists for each position category has been randomized to avoid giving any candidate undue advantage. Please note that, throughout the electoral process, lists and ballots will be systematically randomized.

* Please note that some bio documents are bilingual, so if you open it and it’s not in the language you chose, please scroll down through the document to the next language.

>>President - debate video

>>Vice-President - EC/LoP/OPBO - debate video

>>Vice-President - TR

Upon reviewing all the questions submitted by the membership in advance, the ERC formulated the questions for the candidates around common and popular themes.

Questions for the VP TR candidates:
1.           What do you see as the role of the union while in between contract negotiations?
2.           How do you propose to get members more involved in union activities?
3.           How do you plan to increase protection for Interpreters?
4.           What is your number one priority as president/vice president and how do you plan on addressing this priority?
5.           Given the current union resources, how do you plan on ensuring the needs of the union continue to be met?

>>EC Director

Upon reviewing all the questions submitted by the membership in advance, the ERC formulated the questions for the candidates around common and popular themes.

Questions for the EC Candidates:
1.           What specific actions will you take to address the government’s blanket requirement for return-to-office of 40-60% in office attendance?
2.           How will you ensure that CAPE decision-making will include meaningful engagement with membership in an open and transparent way?
3.           There has been considerable discussion regarding the Defense Fund, with two conflicting motions in 2022. Which resolution do you support and why?

>>TR Director

  • Antoine Hersberger [BIO]

Acclamation and vacancies

CAPE wishes to congratulate Mr. Antoine Hersberger who is acclaimed as TR Director.

The three positions that remain vacant will be filled at a later date, and as per the provisions of Article 21 of the CAPE Constitution.

Voting period - updated

The voting period will begin on November 30, right after the Annual General Meeting on November 29, and end on December 13.