Pay Equity

two smiling women sitting in an office

The Government of Canada has made gender equality a cornerstone of its platform. Yet, within the federal public sector, gender-based pay disparities continue to contribute to the gender wage gap, leaving workers in jobs commonly done by women underpaid and undervalued.

The Pay Equity Act, which came into force in August 2021, requires employers to proactively establish a pay equity plan within three years. The purpose of the act is to ensure equal pay for work of equal value. If two different jobs contribute equal value to an employer’s operations, then the employees in those jobs should receive equal pay.

CAPE is a strong voice for meaningful and effective pay equity plans that establish equal pay for work of equal value across the public sector. When the Treasury Board made a request to establish three separate plans for the core public administration, CAPE, alongside other bargaining agents, successfully pushed for this request to be rejected, as it would undermine the intent of the Act.

All public sector employees deserve to be valued, respected and compensated fairly. CAPE is committed to fighting against the gender wage gap and contributing towards fairer and more equitable pay practices and systems.


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