Local leaders

What is a steward?

A steward is a registered CAPE member who officially represents the association and promotes and defends members’ interests in the workplace. Our stewards, like every other CAPE member, are employed by the Government of Canada, the Library of Parliament and the Office of the Parliamentary Budget Officer and are a critical link between union leadership and our members.  

Stewards help to ensure that their fellow members are treated fairly and that they have quick and easy access to the union support they need. 

Stewards' training

These sessions are mandatory for stewards upon appointment and must be re-taken every five years. The training provides information on labour relation practices and policies that impact our members and is designed to help stewards understand their role within CAPE, the federal public sector labour relations framework and the broader labour movement. In this training participants will: 


  • Understand their role and responsibilities as a local steward. 
  • Gain a fundamental understanding of the structure and history of labour relations in the federal public sector, including the key forums and actors.  
  • Be prepared to view workplace situations from a workers’ rights perspective and know when and who to contact at CAPE. 


These in-person sessions are held over two days, either at CAPE headquarters in Ottawa or regionally.

The training is offered to stewards only. You need to become a steward before taking this training. If you want more information on how to become a steward, please consult our website or contact your local. If you do not have one, contact Julie Courty, local liaison officer.

We encourage you to register using the form below. Once your information is verified, you will be placed in our waitlist system. When we have a minimum number of participants, you will receive an email invitation to attend the next available steward training, which will include important information such as the date, place, and time. In case you are not available to attend that specific training, you will remain in the waitlist and continue receiving future invitations.


CAPE will cover any costs associated with your participation in an education event. CAPE is also committed to ensuring all events and knowledge products are accessible to all members.


What is a local executive?

Local executive teams are volunteers from across all CAPE bargaining units in the federal public sector. The local executive defends the interests and rights of members in the local by engaging with and assisting members in the workplace, addressing union-management relations at the local level, and improving access to union resources.  The composition of the executive depends on the local, but these are the most common roles and responsibilities:

  • President and vice-president run the local 
  • Directors lead campaigns and other initiatives  
  • Secretary and treasurer support the administration of the local  
  • Committee representatives attend committees on behalf of CAPE local, such as workplace health and safety committees
  • Stewards 

Local executive training

These sessions are geared to develop some of the required knowledge and skills to ensure effective labour leadership in the workplace. This training will help participants to: 

  • Better grasp the local’s relationship with CAPE’s national office, other locals and other unions within their workplace.
  • Understand consultation processes, the framework that protects them, as well as how to use them efficiently.
  • Practice the relational methods introduced to successfully navigate their relationships with employer representatives. 

These in-person sessions are held over a two-day period, either at CAPE headquarters in Ottawa or regionally.

Our education program is an inclusive program accessible to all members, regardless of where you live or your level of union experience. 



Become a steward!

Click here to find out how you can become a steward.

Learn more