About us

With more than 25,000 members, the Canadian Association of Professional Employees (CAPE) is one of the largest federal public service unions in Canada — dedicated to advocating on behalf of federal employees in the Economics and Social Science Services (EC) and Translation (TR) groups, as well as employees of the Library of Parliament (LoP), the Office of the Parliamentary Budget Officer (OPBO) and civilian members of the RCMP (ESS and TRL).


A powerful voice for employee rights

We engage in collective bargaining and advocacy on behalf of our members and represent them when they have workplace issues or concerns. We help our members navigate the complex legal and policy frameworks that govern the federal workplace and promote learning and training opportunities.

Our work is overseen by the CAPE National Executive Committee, which is made up of elected representatives from each of our member groups. The committee is supported by the President and the National Office, as well as a variety of sub-committees that members are welcome to join. 

Learn more about CAPE’s operations and governance: 

Our core competencies

Our mandate is articulated around four core competencies that define the work we do and the services we offer:


CAPE Governance Framework


CAPE Organigram

CAPE Operational Model

Our history

Our Association has been around for many years but has gone through many transformations, continuously growing in size and influence. Read more about our history and humble beginnings.


Our teams


Learn about our members!

All you need to know about our members, their rights and privileges.

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