
Submit a Resolution!

You can make your voice heard by submitting resolutions. This is a great way for all registered members to exercise their privileges.

TR Bargaining: reaching an impasse!

After four months of negotiations at the TR bargaining table, CAPE’s bargaining team has reached an impasse. As a result, the team is recommending that the collective bargaining committee refer the outstanding issues for arbitration.

National Public Service Week 2022

We at CAPE are proud to represent our 22,000 federal public sector members, and during National Public Service Week invite the public to join us in celebrating and recognizing their hard work.

PRIDE MONTH 2022 – Wear your colours proudly!

June is Pride Month — a time to celebrate the LGBTQ2S+ communities and all the strides they have made, but also a time to take action. Members of these communities still face serious challenges and we must all continue to work together to overcome them. While acceptance and inclusion in Canadian society has improved greatly over the years, there is still work to be done.