
CAPE Local Leadership Updates

Locals are the backbone of our member activity. Members who volunteer their time and energy in making us a better public service union are greatly appreciated. So, it is important…

Working Together, Growing Together

As we get set to settle back into our normal routines, we at CAPE Headquarters are embarking on new initiatives to help serve you better.

Phoenix Latest

CAPE President Greg Phillps, along with other Public Service Unions, will be keeping an eye on those charged with fixing the Phoenix Pay System

Phoenix Compensation

Unions representing Public Service Workers and the Federal Government are talking again about how to compensate employees affected by the Phoenix Pay System – they’ve been discussing a tiered approach which could involve cash, interest on money owed, and time off – or a combination of the three.

2018 Budget documents

As a follow up to our Membership Budget Meeting held on June 28, this message contains important information regarding the budget process, as well as specific information regarding the proposed CAPE Budget.

CAPE continues to grow!

CAPE is now certified as the bargaining agent for all employees of the Office of the Parliamentary Budget Officer (OPBO).

Submit your resolutions 2018

The Constitution and By-Laws of the Canadian Association of Professional Employees includes provisions and guidelines on the submission of resolutions to the Elections and Resolutions Committee for an eventual vote by the membership.