
EC Collective Bargaining Fall Update

Since our last meeting on June 22, CAPE's EC bargaining team and the Treasury Board Secretariat (TBS) have jointly submitted a request to proceed with the appointment of a mediator. In our last update, we highlighted that progress had been made on several important issues and that we would continue our discussions with the Employer regarding some of our key priorities including compensation, remote work and the right to disconnect.

LoP Bargaining Update

We are pleased to inform you that negotiations have begun for the renewal of the LoP collective agreement which expired on June 16, 2022.

EC Bargaining Update

CAPE’s EC bargaining team held intensive negotiation sessions with the Treasury Board Secretariat (TBS) over the months of May and June.

TR Bargaining: reaching an impasse!

After four months of negotiations at the TR bargaining table, CAPE’s bargaining team has reached an impasse. As a result, the team is recommending that the collective bargaining committee refer the outstanding issues for arbitration.

TR Bargaining - Patience is key!

The parties met on May 17, 18 and 19. The Employer and CAPE continued to present their respective proposals, as well as counter-proposals on various issues. In addition, CAPE tabled its pay position, which takes into account the current economic situation.

Negotiations are moving forward!

Your bargaining team met with the Employer’s team on April 19, 20 and 21. The parties reached agreement on a few issues. They also continued to submit their respective proposals. We are now moving on to more substantive issues.

Negotiations begin for EC members!

We are pleased to inform you that negotiations have begun for the renewal of the EC collective agreement due to expire on June 21, 2022.

TR bargaining begins

Your bargaining team met with the employer's team on March 9. This first step was to exchange proposals between the parties. The first bargaining session will take place on March 29, 30 and 31.