Call for candidates: Vacant EC Director positions

The following is a call for candidates to fill five (5) vacant EC Director positions on the National Executive Committee.

At the end of each fiscal year (April 30 for CAPE) the Association takes a count of its membership in order to determine whether the members of each bargaining unit have the appropriate number of Directors on the National Executive Committee (NEC). This year, according to the calculation described in Article 8 of CAPE’s Constitution, the Association’s Executive is required at this time to hold an election to fill five (5) EC positions. The election period is in the fall and ends two weeks after the AGM which is scheduled this year for December 4. The newly elected members begin their mandate on January 1, 2019 and remain on the NEC until shortly after the end of the next general election at CAPE, i.e. until December 31 2020. More information on the election process is available under CAPE By-Law 5.

If you are interested in participating at the national level in the work of the organization, or if you have an EC colleague that you wish to nominate and who agrees to be nominated, you are invited to complete this form and to send it to CAPE’s National Office no later than 4 pm Ottawa Time on September 1, 2018.

Click here to download the nomination form. (PDF)

Thank you for your interest and participation.