
EC & TR tentative agreements: time to vote!

CAPE’s bargaining teams reached tentative agreements with the Treasury Board Secretariat, and EC and TR members are now invited to vote on their respective agreement.

CAPE signs Phoenix Damage Agreement with Employer

On Wednesday June 12, 2019, the Canadian Association of Professional Employees signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Employer regarding the damages incurred by the Phoenix pay system.

EC Bargaining Update

The parties met on May 14, 15 and 16 at the bargaining table. They were assisted by mediators appointed by the Federal Public Service Labour Relations and Employment Board…

CAPE Accepts Government Phoenix Damages Offer

The Canadian Association of Professional Employees (CAPE) announced today that it had accepted Treasury Board Secretariat’s offer presented Friday May 3 to compensate federal employees for damages caused by the Phoenix Pay System. The decision was made following a consultation with CAPE’s National Executive Committee and its membership base.

FAQs: Phoenix Damages

General questions about the agreement, the leave bank credits and about additional damages and compensation.