The votes are in!


In an electronic vote held from June 15 to 28, CAPE members voted in favour of two of the three proposals put forward by the union’s National Executive Committee. They approved the association’s two-year budget and the proposal to allocate 75% of year-end budget surpluses to the union’s Defence Fund. However, they rejected the proposal for a progressive dues structure.

Twenty-eight percent of members participated in the vote; 2652 members out of a possible total of 9424 who were eligible to vote.

In addition to adopting a two-year budget that will allow the union to achieve its strategic objectives, the members also approved a resolution that would see 75% of year-end budget surpluses allocated to the union’s Defence Fund from this point forward. This will allow CAPE to draw on the Defence Fund to support activities in the pursuit of fair collective agreements.

However, 58% of the voting members rejected a major change in our dues structure, preferring to keep dues at the current fixed fee of $48 per month, rather than approving a dues rate based on a percentage of their salary.

This resolution proposing a new dues structure was the first time a major change in dues was put before the membership since June 2013, when members voted to increase monthly dues by $8 in 2013 and a further $5 in 2014, thereby raising the monthly dues to $48. In 2012, a majority of members rejected a proposal to increase monthly dues by $15.

“Concerning the two-year budget, the members have given us the financial resources necessary to support our long-term vision for CAPE’s continued development,” said CAPE President Emmanuelle Tremblay. “They have also agreed to endow our Defence Fund on a regular basis, giving us the tools to meet the challenges of collective bargaining. Regarding the proposed change in our dues structure, we respect our members’ desire to keep the dues at their current level.”

“Unions are democratically-led organizations – and for that democracy to truly be representative, it requires an engaged and motivated membership. We are thrilled to see that so many members have participated in this democratic process.”

The results of voting on each proposal

In response to the resolution: “Be it resolved to accept the proposed two-year budget for budget years 2016-2017 and 2017 2018, as prepared by management, reviewed by the Finance Committee and approved by the National Executive Committee.”:

  • 1825 members voted “yes” (69%)
  • 776 members voted “no” (29%)
  • 51 members abstained (2%)

In response to the resolution: “Be it resolved to accept the National Executive Committee’s recommendation that membership dues be set at a fixed rate of 0.75% of salary, based on the first step in the salary scale for the member’s group and level.”:

  • 1546 members voted “no” (58%)
  • 1102 members voted “yes” (42%)
  • 4 members abstained

And in response to the resolution: “Be it resolved to accept the National Executive Committee’s recommendation that 75% of any surplus at the end of each budget year shall be automatically placed in the Defence Fund”:

  • 1556 members voted “yes” (59%)
  • 1070 members voted “no” (40%)
  • 26 members abstained