Phoenix Compensation

Unions representing Public Service Workers and the Federal Government are talking again about how to compensate employees affected by the Phoenix Pay System – they’ve been discussing a tiered approach which could involve cash, interest on money owed, and time off – or a combination of the three.

CAPE’s research has showed us that 75% of our membership who responded to a membership survey told us that they had experienced problems getting paid. . .only 10% of those affected by Phoenix were happy with the help they received from the Pay Centre.

On top of that, 47% of those respondents indicated that their psychological well-being had been adversely affected by issues with pay. Truth be told – putting a price tag on the emotional toll that Phoenix has taken will be difficult, but it looks as though negotiations on compensation are moving forward. 

Here’s the latest:

Public servants could get time off to compensate for Phoenix (IPolitics, August 27, 2018)