CAPE urges Treasury Board to consult unions in budget reduction planning process

The Canadian Association of Professional Employees (CAPE) is asking the Treasury Board to include federal public sector unions in spending reduction consultations to avoid rushed decisions that could have dire consequences on federal employees’ ability to deliver services to Canadians.

All departments and agencies have been tasked to participate in the government’s objective of finding $15 billion in spending cuts by October 2, 2023.

"The timeframe imposed is unreasonable given the magnitude and potential impact of the task, and we feel it is best to ensure that it is accomplished with everyone around the table, including bargaining agents," said CAPE President Camille Awada in a letter to Treasury Board.

Departments and agencies have been given little to no guidance at a time when many ministers are new to their positions and still unfamiliar with the intricacies of their portfolios. Internal departmental discussions are being rushed, creating the risk of inadvertently compromising essential work through poorly informed decisions made under pressure.

CAPE urges the Treasury Board to open the dialogue with federal public sector unions to create an opportunity for bargaining agents to offer useful information and help design options that are smart, realistic and sustainable.

CAPE has long advocated for the government to meaningfully consult federal public sector unions properly and fairly before making highly disruptive decisions. Working collaboratively will help achieve the best possible results for all public sector employees and, ultimately, all Canadians.


With more than 25,000 members, the Canadian Association of Professional Employees (CAPE) is one of the largest public sector unions in Canada — dedicated to advocating on behalf of federal employees in the Economics and Social Science Services (EC) and Translation (TR) groups, as well as employees of the Library of Parliament (LoP), the Office of the Parliamentary Budget Officer (OPBO) and civilian members of the RCMP (ESS and TRL).