CAPE Framework for Good Governance now online

We have just posted on CAPE’s website the Framework for Good Governance, which applies to all elected and appointed officers representing CAPE.

Good governance is crucial to preserving the trust and confidence of our members, partners and collaborators. Good governance is also of the utmost importance if the Association is to carry out its mandate in compliance with existing legislation and CAPE’s Constitution and By-laws.

The new web page brings together CAPE’s governance codes and policies to ensure ethical governance, according to best practices, so that all elected and appointed officers are accountable and share the responsibility to protect the integrity, reputation, stability and viability of the Association.

>> A National Executive Committee initiative

The consolidation and publication of the Framework for Good Governance is based on the National Executive Committee (NEC) resolution adopted at the June 30, 2023 NEC meeting to ensure that the rules of conduct that apply to elected and appointed officers are better known and complied with:

Be it resolved that CAPE National Office issue communications to the CAPE membership, and to Local Leaders specifically, reminding them of the “Code of Ethics for Elected or Appointed Officers”, their “Solemn Declaration”, the protocol for “Membership Lists”, and the consequences to violating any or all of the above.

The adopted resolution reflects the NEC’s desire to reassure members of the existence of a clear framework for governance, and to remind elected and appointed officers of the requirements and responsibilities associated with their roles. 

>> Concerns and reporting

Any concerns regarding governance at CAPE can be reported to the Executive Director in strict confidence at

Please note that this is a temporary reporting system. We are considering creating an independent, impartial and permanent supervisory body, which may require an amendment to CAPE’s Constitution in the near future.