Call for Volunteers: Join the RCMP CM Bargaining Committee

We are currently awaiting a confirmed date for the deeming of RCMP civilian members. We anticipate that this process will only occur once the NextGen pay system becomes operational, which we expect will extend the timeline beyond 2025.

Given these delays, CAPE has proactively approached the Treasury Board to initiate negotiations on your current working conditions. This presents a great opportunity for civilian members like you to seek improvements in your terms and conditions of employment.

We are looking for dedicated members in good standing who are eager to play an active role as part of the Collective Bargaining Committee. As a committee member, you would:

  • Collaborate with the chief negotiator
  • Identify issues and prepare proposals to be presented to the employer during the collective bargaining process
  • Select, from within the committee, the negotiating team who will sit at the bargaining table
  • Work collaboratively as a team to reach an agreement with the employer
  • Make decisions regarding the acceptance or rejection of a final offer, subject to ratification by the members
  • Oversee the process of ratification by the members

While this role is voluntary, we understand the importance of your commitment, so the Association will reimburse committee members for lost wages incurred during collective bargaining activities.

How to volunteer

The National Executive Committee (NEC) will appoint the members of the committee from the applications it receives. The NEC will endeavour to choose the members of the committee in a manner that reflects the composition of the bargaining unit and allows them to negotiate effectively on behalf of the members. The NEC will consider:

  • Demographic and professional factors such as position held, gender, years of service and occupational interests
  • Willingness to take the training offered by the Association during the week of November 6, 2023
  • Ability to make a positive contribution to the bargaining process, including the ability to work on a team and build consensus on common positions
  • Ability to devote several days to collective bargaining sessions

We strongly encourage racialized individuals, members of the 2SLBTQIA+ communities, women, persons with disabilities and Indigenous Peoples to volunteer.

Volunteers for the Collective Bargaining Committee can contribute directly to establishing the terms and conditions of employment for RCMP civilian members. This is an enriching experience that can help broaden your skills and expertise.

To submit your application, please complete this form. You have until August 31 to apply, so don’t wait!