What do Trump and Poilievre governments mean for federal public servants?

Feb 5, 2025

With the upcoming inauguration of the Trump administration in the United States and the Conservatives poised to take power in Canada, federal public servants will be facing new attacks from authoritarian and austerity driven governments. The CAPE Education Committee will be hosting a series of hybrid-events to better understand the political context and discuss how we can organize to protect ourselves, other scapegoated groups, and the public good.

The first hybrid-event will be held on Wednesday, February 5 from 5:30-7:30 PM and will include a panel of speakers focusing on the nature of Trump’s looming attack on the federal public service and what we are likely to see under a Pierre Poilievre government. The event will include: 

  • Natalia Tylim, author and speaker, leading member of the Tempest Collective. 
  • Thomas Topi, President of Local 97 of the International Federation of Professional and Technical Engineers (US federal public sector)
  • Martin Lukacs - The Breach, Managing Editor
  • Adam King - Assistant Professor, Labour Studies, University of Winnipeg, and columnist at The Maple  

Please note that we have reached in-person capacity for this event


Join from PC, Mac, iPad, or Android:

Passcode: 530804


Participants will have a chance to engage panelists and share their own thoughts. Future events will explore workforce adjustment and the politics of far right scapegoating and will explore strategies to organize in the workplace and build coalitions with other groups. 


As public servants will need to work together to defend our collective rights, this event will be open to CAPE members, employees and trade unionists of the federal public service more broadly.  

Please feel free to invite your colleagues in the workplace to attend and register in advance!