Membership Budget Meeting

Sep 3, 2020
Virtual WebEx

Join us! CAPE is holding its annual Membership Budget Meeting to give members the opportunity to review the proposed budget, ask questions and offer feedback.

The meeting will be held on Thursday, September 3, 2020, from 5:30 pm, via a mix of teleconference and videoconference.

Find attached for your review the budget document.

ACEP-CAPE 2020-21 Budget

Please register to participate by Friday August 28, at 4:00 p.m. EST,


Submit your questions ahead of the meeting!

The panel will answer questions during the meeting.

To best manage the challenge of holding a virtual meeting using multiple communications channels, questions sent days in advance of the meeting at will be given priority.

There will also be an opportunity to submit questions during the meeting by using the same address and we will do our best to go through them in real time, if time permits.

Submitting your questions after the meeting is an option.

If you are unable to send your questions ahead of the meeting or are unable to participate in the meeting itself, you can still send your questions and will have until Friday September 18 at 12 p.m. EST to do so, at the same above email address.

This will give the Finance Committee enough time to review and revise the budget accordingly, before the September National Executive Committee monthly meeting, where the budget and recommended modifications will be on the agenda.

The Finance Committee is committed to reviewing all the input provided by the membership about the budget.

Meeting modalities – stay tuned!

Detailed information to access phone lines and our online video platform will be shared a few days before the meeting. Stay tuned for more information.

Join us in great numbers!

This is an important moment in union life, when members have the opportunity to become familiar with the union’s budget and financial policies and to discuss them.

The complete budget and audited financial statement will be presented at our Annual General Meeting in November.

We look forward to reviewing the budget with you.