World Health Day: Our Planet, Our Health

CAPE recognizes the importance of caring for our environment and the necessity to support collective and individual actions to reduce environmental degradation and global warming. Furthermore, we recognize that climate and environmental risks produce risks to health and life itself. 

Climate change is impacting human health, whether it results in injuries, illnesses, and deaths. It also promotes higher incidences of epidemics and pandemics (Health Canada publication 2022), which is likely to further fragilize global health care systems already under tremendous pressure due to the COVID-19 pandemic. 

With extreme heat events recorded this year in parts of the Arctic and Antarctica, in highs previously unthinkable, we know there is damage already done that we must attempt to reverse collectively, and there could be much worst on the horizon, which we must try to prevent.

Read the 2018 climate resolution put forward by Local 524 to call on CAPE and the membership community to rally behind scientists and support climate action. 

What you can do

10 ways you can help fight the climate crisis

170 Actions to combat climate change 

Act Now


Health of Canadians in a changing climate: advancing our knowledge for action

Climate Change 2022: Mitigation of Climate Change – Sixth Assessment Report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

Climate Action

Climate Fast Facts